Exponential growth accelerator


13th June 2024

Limited to 22 CEOs & C-suite Leaders & "BY INVITATION ONLY"


SCENARIO #1: Your company is scaling up at the speed of light and you start to become the main chokehold. All decisions are on you.

Maybe your leadership is not your strongest suit?

Maybe you lack the knowledge, experience or presence in this area, and your company starts to suffer?

Maybe your culture is accidental or just not strong enough to take on the challenges that the market presents?

And you don't even have time to think as you keep being pulled into the day-to-day tactical issues?

You may realise that your team is not strong enough to handle the growth that you envision.

You might start to understand that hiring employees is different than hiring leaders and it's the leaders that you need right now.

And this is why you may have no leadership layer since you don't really know how to hire the leaders.

And even if you hired them, maybe you don't know how to develop them and inspire them?

Or maybe you struggle to delegate to the leaders you hired and keep running the show?

As a result, you might never be sure if your people will stay or leave for something better?

SCENARIO #2: You have been a CEO for many years and have seen it all.

You are experienced and you start to think of an exit.

However you might experience a slow down in the business and there is just not as much growth as there used to be.

Your EBITDA doesn't look that promising.

On top of that you are feeling the lack of inspiration, since you've been dealing with the same problems over and over again, for years and years.

Your energy is stagnant.

How are you going to exit if you don't have that much energy?

Maybe the lifecycle of your company is showing that your company is slowly dying?

What if you don't reignite the fire and create a new wave of growth?

What kind of exit will be possible for you then?

How will it feel, working all these years, and not being able to reap the fruits of your hard work?

On top of that, maybe you don't have a good leadership team in place.

Maybe they are too junior to truly step up.

And without a strong leadership team, no investor will be interested to buy your company.

Or maybe the current price is just not good enough and you are hoping that it will improve.

Maybe you don't have an investor or a buyer yet because you're simply not prepared for it.

SCENARIO #3: You own a family company and need to prepare for succession.

Maybe your leadership team is not that strong or combined of the family members with family dynamics.

Maybe you don't even have a next of kin to take over?

Or maybe your son or daughter are not prepared to step up?

Or maybe there is a conflict between the siblings and you don't know how to solve it?

You would love to leave a legacy but you just don't see the path forward.

Maybe your successor is not mentally, emotionally or business ready.

And in the meantime your company starts to slow down.

The sales numbers become lower and lower, and there are signs of cash flow problems.

Whichever direction you look, things seem to get worse.

You blame the market, you blame the covid, you blame the war...

You feel disempowered.

And because you are still the sole decision maker, you are getting tired of carrying the burden.

You don't really know what to do, you don't have a clear vision or strategy, and you don't see a path forward.

Your leadership is not strong enough to lead and develop those who work for you.

And even if you could do it all, you don't have the time because the day-to-day issues always end up on your desk.

You keep fire fighting and getting involved in the tasks at hand.

⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️

Whether you are in situation 1, 2, or 3, you know that things are not looking good.

What do you think will happen if you don't make a drastic change?

How will it impact your business, your clients, your employees, and your life?

Think and feel for a moment about where your energy is right now...

Do you think it will get higher or lower?


If you don't change something around you or within you, it will get worse. Much worse.

What will happen to you in 3 years from now if you don't shift something?

In three years from today you will end up somewhere...the question is "where?"

Are you going to let it happen or will you take charge of your destiny?


If you keep reading this, you will probably agree with me that surviving and experiencing some level of success is simply not enough...you want to feel alive, fulfilled and accomplished.

That's why you need to join this one of a kind event...

After this full day of immersive experience, you will get a new sense of achievement.

You will walk away stronger, feeling more centred and more confident than ever.

You will feel in power to take your company to the next level.

You will connect with your courage.

You will walk away with Leadership Presence and the necessary skillset to lead your team.

You will step into your Leader identity.

You will learn how to select the right people and delegate with intelligence.

You must join this event also because:

If you want to create a lifetime legacy that you can be admired for, you must think bigger!

If you want to build generational wealth and be truly financially free, you must step up!

This event will deliver on both - you will know exactly what to do and how to do it.

You will feel empowered and ready to rock and roll.

At this event you will step into your leadership presence and the energy of success.

What are you waiting for?

Are you ready to

step up your leadership game

and scale up for success and impact?

You will have a transformative experience and reignite your inner fire, boost your energy, and create more impact in your life.

You will connect with other like-minded, exceptional people who will become your tribe post the event and provide accountability to help you stay the course.

This event is for someone like you - someone who is ambitious, open-minded and hungry to create something extraordinary, to leave something behind, to build a legacy.

Someone who is ready to fight for the exceptional success and WIN.

At this event for CEOs, C-level leaders and executives like you, you will:

⚡️ learn new techniques and mind hacks to grow your business exponentially

⚡️soak in the energy of success and learn how to ignite the fire within

⚡️ be equipped with new strategies and new mindset

⚡️ increase your energy level and be able to attract better opportunities and people

⚡️ master your leadership and get on the express lane to create a lasting legacy

How can you take part in this ground-breaking event!


Bask in the energy of "everything is possible" and create magic with Paulina's guidance

- Transformative LIVE All-Day Coaching Experience on 13th June 2024 at the Conservatorium Hotel in Amsterdam

- Delicious food and drinks included all day long

- Hot seat coaching opportunity

- Proven Method to create a deep and rapid transformation

- Networking and collaboration at the highest level throughout the day

- Champagne 🥂 Celebration of NEW YOU

Investment: 2,500 € + VAT

‼ disclaimer: this event is not your usual networking event - it will actually upgrade who you are

and cause you to skyrocket 🚀 your business.

if you are up to achieve great things, I look forward to seeing you in Amsterdam!


the this EXPERIENCE?

This is not just a regular coaching program.

This is a place of masterminding, brainstorming, training your mind and shifting your limitations.

This is a journey of real transformation. You will never be the same again.

You will become a Leader. You will be admired for being YOU.


Setting the vision

What do you REALLY want? Create a vision for the future, a vision that will PULL you everyday.

A vision that will give you ENERGY and inspire others.


Why is it important?

Connect to the reasons behind the vision. Understand why this is non-negotiable. Smile widely every time when you think of it and let it drive you to success. You will go through fears because of it.



Discover your self image. Establish your NEW identity. Learn how to close the gap.



Uncover the smart ways in which you play small - how you distract yourself, sabotage yourself, or procrastinate. Time to take charge.


Wealth consciousness

Discover your money mindset so that you can upgrade it and finally make and keep the big bucks you've been working so hard for.


Imagine spending time with other ambitious, hungry and driven leaders.

Imagine the space where we share our deepest desires and darkest fears.

Imagine the power of such a community.

Imagine the level of conversations, the quality of wisdom and awareness you will gain.

Hard to imagine? Watch this quite 1 minute recap from our last event! 👇


You will discover your hidden strengths and limiting patterns.

You will learn the mind hacks to use your intellect to your advantage.

You will learn the CEO success tools and techniques to navigate the business environment.

You will become stronger as a leader and learn how to have difficult conversations with your team members.

You will get clear on your vision & strategy so that you can clearly communicate the message to the rest of the organisation with ease and command.

You will get inspired to actually want to go the extra mile and achieve big ambitious goals.

You will connect with your courage and gain the belief that you can actually pull it off.

You will walk away with a plan of tangible, wheel-turning action points that you can actually implement.

You will gain the access to a new power network to support you with keeping focus beyond the event.

You will transform into a better LEADER, stepping into your personal POWER

so that you can GROW your BUSINESS exponentially and create a lasting LEGACY!

As as CEO, YOU are the BOTTLENECK of your business.

But, what if, instead, you were THE BIGGEST ASSET of your business?

What if this event opened the doors to a much bigger potential locked inside of you?

The truth is that you are the CULTURE of your organisation

and therefore you hold the POWER to change the landscape.

During this event, you will get clear on where you are and where you want to go.

You will walk away with robust strategies ready to implement to close the gap.

As your bonus, you will get to network at the highest level among like-minded people who not only want to do great business but who also take responsibility for their personal growth and who care about who they are becoming as a leader, and the impact they are making.

Thoughtful leaders & Creators

Impact Makers & Change Catalysts


it's time to step up.

Because the world needs to see your greatness.


check out our mastermind options and upgrade your experience

Large Call to ActCHLoion Headline

Transformative immersion

An exclusive, one of a kind LIVE event this June 2024 in the heart of Amsterdam!

ultimate breakthrough

Add a 4-months Exponential Growth Mastermind to this Exclusive Event & create a massive breakthrough in your Life & Business!


it's a promise with a 100% money back guarantee*

*if after the event you don't think you received the value, you will get your money back. (AS LONg AS YOU ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE...)

no more excuses, my friend.

Meet your ceo coach.


I am an Executive & Leadership Coach who excels at helping Founders and CEOs of scale-ups to step into their next-level leadership.

For over 15 years, I held senior roles at Fortune 500 companies. Among my achievements, I developed and headed a Global PMO of 15 Program and Project Managers in EMEA and APAC theatres.

I traded my high-achieving corporate career to raise my impact as a Coach, Mentor & Business Advisor to the top leaders in the world.

My clients don’t merely work, they create legacy.

They don’t just manage, they lead.

"It's time you raised your standards and lived up to your full potential." - Paulina

“She has a very warm energy which makes the conversation easy and comfortable. She sees and hears you attentively and that is reflected in her straightforward comments. The exercises worked really well for me, I assume that also comes from her style and her complete focus on what you're saying and how you're saying it. 0 bullshit from her side, which is immensely appreciated. Would definitely recommend it.”

- Gabriel

“I wholeheartedly recommend Paulina to anyone looking to overcome their self-imposed limitations and unleash their inner leader. Trust me, you won't be disappointed!”

- Aldar Reinberk

"Working with Paulina helped me transform from Entrepreneur into the role of an actual CEO and business owner. I am super thankful for her help."

- Witold

“If you're looking for someone to bring out deeper insights and messages, you've got to check out Paulina's work. She's got this intuitive approach that's just spot-on. It's hard to put her approach into words, but she helps reveal things in a way that feels both profound and deeply personal. I think that anyone would benefit from her unique perspective and guidance.

I highly recommend working with Paulina. It's challenging to encapsulate her unique approach in words. Guided by her intuition, Paulina shares precise insights and uncovers deep messages. Working with her has been an enlightening experience, revealing layers of meaning that have profoundly impacted my perspective. Her skill in revealing messages and insights is truly remarkable."

- Christiane, Co-Owner

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Questions? Drop a line here: paulina@paulinastankiewicz.com